Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Moment in Time

As you can see, I'm taking a break from my blog, for a good reason. Our Marine son, Scott, is in the country. We hadn't seen him in two years, so we're enjoying every minute. I'll get back to posting soon, but hang in there, friends. This year is going so fast! Make it count.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The REST of the Finish Line

The manuscript may be finished, but now it's time to write the blurb, synopsis, and query letter. Short, but not so easy. Try condensing an 80,000 word book into one page, and you'll see what I mean. You can do it, though, with practice. Just keep thinking about what characters and conflict are the most compelling, and write your hook. The synopsis has to include most of the plot lines and resolution. How can you convince an agent or a publisher to look at your book? There are many websites with help in these areas; do your homework before you submit. Good luck!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A New Book

"The future opens up before you like a new book...
waiting for you to commit to its pages
the story only you can write."    Unknown

Friday, June 3, 2011


"It is in meeting the small challenges of daily living that we prepare ourselves for the great challenges of life."   Unknown

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Nearing the Finish Line

Hello Readers:
   I'm reading my latest novel aloud, before starting the final read-through. During the final reading, I'll be looking for scenes that need more natural body language, better descriptions, and the five senses. Most of the earlier read-throughs have dealt with plot lines and character development, and the timeline mine field. Now, do I go through the ordeal of submitting to NY publishers, or use CreateSpace to self-publish?Amber Quill is an excellent ePublisher, with quality paperbacks, and timely royalties. And they returned my rights, at my request, which I thought was very professional. What to do? I'll let you know.