Friday, October 22, 2010

Books on Amazon

Hi. Have you started your novel yet, using the 3 page/day technique? Remember, no going back to revise at this point. Keep pushing forward to get that story down on paper. Sometimes, if I'm really stuck, I'll study a good How To writing book. I'll take notes about how the tips relate to my storyline and characters. It really helps. One of my favorite How To books is Characters Make Your Story by Maren Elwood. It's an older book, but still relevant. I'll mention other good How To's as we go along together in this process.
As you're writing your three pages, but you feel really stuck, you can always write a scene further along in the book, especially if it plays like a video in your head. Get it down! You won't remember it exactly the way you're seeing it now.
Or, if that's not an option right now, stop and think about each character. My next blog will be about Character Studies.